The Tom Pouce 3 is fixed on the white cane and can detect in front of you thanks to the sweep of the cane.
It vibrates when it detects an obstacle from mid-thigh to the head.
It offers protection of the shoulder width.
It accompanies the blind user in all his travels: in the street, in public transport, in the typical interiors shopping centers ... It is convenient in both known and unknown environments.
It allows you to anticipate obstacles at a distance, to find a way to improve your safety and save time.
The Tom Pouce 3 has three main elements:
- A first element in which is contained two infrared sensors and a laser sensor. Note that the laser is visible by its tiny red dot. A three-position knob overcomes the element.
It allows to select detection ranges: 2m, 4m and 6m.
- A second element contains the batteries, the power button and the mini USB socket for the charger.
- The third element is a cylinder connected by a wire to the first element in which there is a vibrator.
There are three types of vibrations:
- The jerky vibration: it is activated only in range of 4m and 6m when an obstacle is at height of head. - The vibration continues: it is activated between 2m and 4m for the range to 4m and 2m to 6m for the range to 6m. For the range of 2m, it is activated from 1m to 2m.
- Granular vibration: it is activated from 0m to 2m for 4m and 6m ranges. For the range of 2m, it is activated from 0m to 1m. The Tom-Pouce 3 works with two AAA type batteries. When the batteries are low, the unit will emit two sets of three vibrations. Nevertheless, there will be enough energy to finish a journey. When the device is charged, it will beep slightly every second or so. It takes about 2 hours to charge the batteries, as soon as the charging cycle is over, the beeps also stop.
A training is essential to be able to profit from the Tom-Pouce 3. It is necessary before to make a evaluation in locomotion of two hours and if the assessment is favorable, the training is triggered in the next weeks. Training and the device are free. It takes about 24 hours of training. The users are then followed every 2 years by a locomotion instructor who has trained them. To find a training center, visit our contacts and links section.